Don’t Dally. Contact a Oklahoma City Same-Day Plumber Service!

4.1 min read / Published On: May 27, 2024 /

Procrastination has almost become an Oklahoma pastime. It’s easier to procrastinate these days, too. All one has to do is grab their mini-entertainment center, the iPhone, and begin scrolling for cute pet videos. Or binge-watch the latest true-crime series. Whatever your favorite way to disengage with responsibility, consider how much better it feels to tackle that problem first!Water Heaters are being repaired by a plumber

We get it. There are so many things to take care of, like scheduling the annual doctor’s appointment, taking the car into the shop for a tune-up, or getting a head-start on taxes. But after a long day of “adulting” and managing important tasks, it seems adding one more thing to the agenda is not worth it. And that “one more thing” could be what’s happening underneath your home while you couch surf.

If you struggle with procrastination in general, the American Psychology Association offers a good podcast episode to help with some insight:
Waiting for inspiration won’t work when facing the threat of a plumbing emergency

There are all kinds of reasons why people procrastinate. Someone in the OKC may be dealing with a personal crisis, and plumbing issues aren’t a priority now. Time management could be a more robust suit. An Oklahoma City resident sees the sun setting on another busy day and promises to address that leaky faucet “tomorrow.” Also, our computer society has heightened the desire for instant gratification. The dopamine hit from short-term behaviors, like watching social media, is quicker than the reward for approaching a critical, long-term task.

Focusing on short-term rewards seems much more fun—we get it. But ignoring plumbing issues can create a much bigger problem later. And when the emergency happens, there’s no time to dally. It’s GO time, and you need Oklahoma City same-day plumber services as soon as possible!

But this can be avoided. Don’t wait for inspiration and get to work. Several types of costly plumbing emergencies are simple to mitigate. Just take that phone you’ve been scrolling on and contact our Ben Franklin team to schedule a home inspection (

Our professional OKC plumbing technicians will inspect your property to ensure there are no indicators of future plumbing disasters. We’ll check for faulty water pipes, slow drains, leaking washing machine hoses, and consistently running toilets. We can also inspect the water pressure and dripping faucets.

Commercial Plumbers in Oklahoma City

We advise Oklahoma City business owners think ahead too. A few moments of very little effort could help stop a time-sucking, money-eating plumbing disaster later. For instance, schedule regular visits with a plumber in advance. We will come to review the plumbing system and conduct regular preventative maintenance. We’ll also check the water pressure and search for stressed pipes. And we can manage low-cost measures such as installing a pressure regulator to maintain optimal levels or insulate pipes to control freezing during colder times of the year.

Oklahoma residents can also do a few things on their own to reduce the chance of a plumbing emergency. For instance, monitor those water bills and check for spikes that could indicate leaks. We believe it’s essential to know where the shut-off valves are so you can turn them off when an emergency occurs. If you’re extra motivated, we advise you to leave notes where the valves are so others can help during an emergency, too. These tasks take minimal effort and can pay off big in the future.

Our Oklahoma City Same-Day Plumber Services Will Be There if You Wait Too Long

Remember, a little forethought and preparedness can do a world of good! These steps can either avoid or help minimize the damage to a property if a plumbing accident occurs, which means they could also help lessen the pressure on your finances.

Home repairs to fix flooded floors and drywall can add up. And you can’t put it off, or mold can create dangerous health problems for families. Also, consider any older trees near the property. Roots can crawl in or around old pipes underground and create pricey sewer backup work, putting repairs in the thousands. Forbes posted an article titled “How much does emergency plumbing cost in 2024?”: There are several variables to consider when considering the cost, so we can’t pinpoint the specific price of a plumbing emergency. However, it’s helpful to know that Oklahoma City is considered one of the most affordable places in the United States. And services normally tend to meet the needs of the area.

Although we highly advise simple, straightforward approaches to mitigating a plumbing disaster, if a resident puts these efforts off, they can still contact us for Oklahoma City same-day plumber services. Ben Franklin’s plumbing experts will show up and help fix the problem. No judgment, just friendly and professional support!

By |2024-05-27T15:32:19-05:00May 27, 2024|Categories: Plumbing|Tags: , , |
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